Do You Stick Rigidly to the Rules?

Do You Stick Rigidly to the Rules?

(and how does it make you feel if you don’t?!) Knowing that I am due to undertake an Artist’s Date (AD) once a week, I had ear-marked Sunday for the latest experience.  I find I enjoy having the impetus of a date to stimulate thinking about new things to do, and...
To plan, or not to plan?

To plan, or not to plan?

The Artist’s Way for Retirement aims to bring structure and purpose to the life of the retired person.  Inevitably, when faced with a structured approach to anything, there is the potential temptation to plan everything rigidly in your diary.  This can bring a certain...
Would You Like to Join me for an Artist’s Date?

Would You Like to Join me for an Artist’s Date?

During the 12-week journey with The Artist’s Way for Retirement, one of the tasks is to treat yourself to a weekly artist’s date. The idea is to schedule a date for you alone, for around an hour, as you would do with someone important, to do something to please just...
Seeking Creativity and Meaning at Fifty Plus

Seeking Creativity and Meaning at Fifty Plus

Immediately after taking early retirement from work in late 2010, I was faced with the loss of my mother, who died suddenly after a long illness.  My father had died the year before.  Aged 51, I found myself at the start of a journey for which I had no route map.  I...